研究紹介 Research Introduction


都市の農の新しい可能性Urban Agriculture

生産緑地に着目した都市内農地の保全  西村千夏 【H26 終了】


The purpose of this work is to examine the continuation potential of productive green areas, which are agricultural lands in the urbanization promotion area. Farmers can release their production green areas if they want when 30 years pass after the assignment. There is a possibility to decrease large areas of agricultural lands in the 2020’s. Through the interview for farmers in Tokyo, this work understands 1)How much productive green areas can be released and 2)What are the requirements in order to maintain them.


都市部における新しい野菜供給システムの研究  柳沼翔平 【H26 終了】


縮退時代の都市緑地計画 Urban and Landscape Planning of Shrinking City

人口減少に直面する地方中核都市における空き地・空き家の増加  坂本慧介


Population decline has been great concerns in most of the Japanese cities in regions other than biggest metropolises like Tokyo, and the cities in regions will inevitably suffer from the urban shrinkage. A researcher suggested that dealing with the urban shrinkage requires understanding how the urban shrinkage has been changing environments of a neighborhood.
The purpose of this study is therefore to identify the increasing tendency of vacant lands and vacant houses and the mechanism in order to consider how to reorganize existing urban structures.


城下町地域における住民主体の観光資源管理と空閑地活用の提案  衣松佳孝


This is a diploma design project focusing on the maintenance of historical resources and effective usages of open space by local people.
The target area is a castle town in Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi-ken.
Although it was a castle town during Edo era, now the population decreases and the number of open space and vacant house keep increasing.
Historical resources in this area, for instance Kintaikyo-bridge, are valuable not only for tourist industry but also for local people to make good relationships with each other. However it can’t be said that there are enough chances and systems to maintain the historical resources by local people themselves, and the situation is same about the maintenance of open spaces and vacant houses.
Taking these facts into consideration, this project tries to make the area and community become sustainable by designing open space and making system to maintain historical resources and vacant houses.

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分譲マンションの更新を契機とした震災に強い都市への転換  小林嵩


This diploma design project will propose a scheme and a spatial design for making a city tough with disasters caused by an earthquake through the renewal of condominiums. The subject area, Urayasu city includes crowded urban areas and large reclaimed sites, which have risks of the spread of fire to neighboring structures and liquefaction of the ground caused by an earthquake. For preparing against the next earthquake, it is necessary to turn the city tough with the disasters.
However, now that the society depending on development is ending, it is difficult to solve the problem only by a large-scale public enterprise.
Therefore, this study will focus private condominiums in the city and suggest the whole city’s design that resists the disasters through the renewal of them without depending on a large-scale public works project.

高齢化社会のまちづくりUrban Planning in Aging Society

高齢者の健康維持に資する農の活動形態に関する研究  浜田麻里奈


In Japan, the population of the elderly people is increasing, and especially in the urban fringe, it becomes more and more important to plan a town that helps health maintenance of the older people. In this research, focusing on “Agricultural activities” whose forms are changing these days, we discuss the effect on the health of the elderly people by the “Agricultural activities”, and we obtain knowledge that promotes town planning by the “Agricultural activities” which promotes health preservation of the elderly people.

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都市景観の保全と再生Urban Cultural Landscape Conservation

旧産炭地域における地域再生と産業景観の変遷について  杉浦榮

斜面地の夜間景観のシミュレーション  坂本真理


The industrial development and population growth in the 1960s led to many developments of housing districts on top of the hills in Nagasaki City. The houses illuminated the area, which made up beautiful nightscape that can be seen especially from nearby mountains. Today, the nightscape is a very popular scenery not only for the residents but for tourists as well. However in recent years, people began to feel inconvenience living in the districts. It has been causing both aging and decrease in the city’s population, which is leading to the decrease in the amount of light composing the nightscape. The purpose of this study is to simulate how the nightscape will change with the population dynamics in the future. This study will help when considering about the urban reorganization plan in Nagasaki.


公園緑地の計画・制度論Planning System for Parks and Open Spaces

緑の基本計画の計画内容に関する考察  根岸勇太


Master Plans for Parks and Open Spaces, based on the Urban Green Space Conservation Act, have been developed all around Japan. In these Plans, municipalities and citizens have drawn up certain Visions how green spaces in their neighborhood should look like and several methods how these visions can be realized. It is said by researchers that some of these Plans have played an important role to save and create a certain amount of green spaces. The purpose of my research is to gain perspective on the Master Plans for Parks and Open Spaces in a structured way and to cosider how these Plans could become more effective in the future.


東南アジアにおけるオープンスペースを視座とした都市形成と都市計画のあり方  平野邦臣


This doctor thesis aims to contribute on establishment of urban planning and management system which is more suitable to Southeast Asian countries from viewpoint of park, green and open-space in urban area. To achieve it, a review of urban formation originated since colonial era, identification of current status, and a series of surveys and analysis of utilization have been conducting in Yangon, Myanmar.



民間営利団体による都市公園の運営・管理に関する研究  朴炳昊

公共団体の財政問題は日本に限る問題ではなく、世界全域の共通問題である。公共団体が財政問題を抱えながらインフラの整備、維持するために登場した概念がPPP(Public Private Partnership)であり、イギリスにおけるPFI(Private Finance Initiative)スキームを始め、公共サービスの提供において民間資金の活用が図られてきた。日本においても民間資金等の活用による公共施設等の整備等の促進に関する法律の制定によって民間資金の活用が試みられている。

Financial crisis of government is serious problem not only to japan, but also to all of world. PPP is a method to organize infrastructure at each region. It had started from England with PFI scheme in 1992. It has a purpose that to impose Private Finance at Public Service. In japan also had started with PFI-Law in 1999.
But PPP scheme has many problems between Public Service’s quiddity and business value. Private finance requires a financial benefit from investment of Public Service for continued partnership. While, Public Service has to keep publicness in Japan.
This research assure a difference of PPP scheme between World and Japan, and give some opinions of PPP of Japan, how to keep a balance Public Service’s quiddity and business value. Then, this research focuses a case study Toyosuna-Park in Chiba-Prefecture.


東日本大震災からの復興Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake

震災復興プロセスにおける社会関係資本の役割  福本塁


The purpose of this research is for community reactivation to clarify the role of social capitals in the process of the reconstruction in the Great East Japan Earthquake. It is focused on the changes in the social capitals and spatial structure based on timeline, subjected for the local residents, companies, nonprofit organizations, and local governments. As the example, the role in companies for the social capitals are 1)providing the physical resources for restoration in surrounding areas 2) maintaining and providing employment by prompt restoring the business in companies.


地域づくりに寄与する、新たな繋がりの場の提案  石川幸佳 【H26 終了】


Designing New Connections of People for a Sustainable Society in FUKUSHIMA –Diploma Design –

Ever since the district formed in 1955, the site in FUKUSHIMA has been confronting issues such as the decrease in birthrates, as well as aging and decrease in overall population. These issues became more serious when the explosion of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant took place in March 11th, 2011. It is still very difficult to expect young people to return back to the district, leaving the region with a serious issue of retaining a sustainable society. On the other hand, there has been an increase in the number of visitors after the accident. Those people include researchers and interviewers related to the accident and radiation issues, but also new farmers and permanent residents. As long as there is a need of residence, it is essential for these people to connect with one another to form a community that supports their daily lives. This diploma design will propose a spatial design of a place to form people’s connections stated above. I am hoping for this design to give a positive suggestion to the region’s community development in the future.


気候変動への適応策Adaptation to Climate Change

都市緑地による都市型水害リスクの緩和と適応  飯田晶子


(気候変動適応研究推進プログラムの助成プロジェクト(研究代表:高橋桂子).本プロジェクトは、中央大学理工学部人間総合理工学科石川研究室、国立環境研究所地域環境研究センター土壌環境研究室、海洋研究開発機構 地球シミュレータセンター複雑性シミュレーション研究グループとの共同により実施)

Green Infrastructure for adaptation to climate change in Tokyo Metropolitan Area: focusing on urban flood risk

Tokyo metropolitan area is vulnerable to urban flood disaster. The city has experienced frequent pluvial floods for the last few decades. The main reasons are decrease in rainwater infiltration quantity from highly urbanized areas and increase in short-time heavy rains. Since the flood risk might increase by global climate change in the future, immediate adaptation measures are necessary. This study focuses on rainwater infiltration function of urban green spaces and evaluates that function by stormwater simulation model with the database of the detail green spaces made from the high-resolution aerial photograph. Furthermore, it discusses adaptation measures of urban and landscape planning from the perspective of creating green infrastructure. The study site is the Kanda river watershed that flows in the central area of Tokyo metropolitan area.


離島・島嶼地域のサステイナビリティSustainability of Isolated Islands

RAKUENプロジェクト:パラオ共和国と沖縄県石垣島における持続的観光指標の開発  飯田晶子



Development of the RAKUEN index: evaluating tourism impacts in the Ishigaki and Palau islands

Ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” However, ecotourism development sometimes brings negative impacts on local environment and local people who rely on it. Therefore, it is important to evaluate both positive and negative impacts of ecotourism development from various aspects in order to make the balance between tourism development, healthy environment, and well-being of local community. In this research, we aim to develop a RAKUEN index, which evaluates those impacts through material flow analysis, land cover succession analysis, or input-output analysis etc. The research sites are Ishigaki Island in Okinawa and Palau Islands, Micronesia. It focuses on the recycle-based and low-impact ecotourism development. Scenario-planning approach will be conducted with local stakeholders.

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アジアの都市・農村のサステイナビリティSustainability of Asian Cities and Rural Areas

トルファン盆地のカレーズシステムによって形成された集落における景観変化の評価に関する研究  ムラト・ムフタル 【H26 終了】
対象地:ウイグル トルファン盆地


Traditionally landscape in Turpan basin is closely related to the karez water system. The water structure of the open channel section is the main factor that maintains the traditional landscape of the Karez village in Turpan basin. The purpose of this research is clarifying the traditional landscape structure of Turpan Basin with creating indicators to measure the landscape. Analyze the contemporary impacts on to the landscape, and assessing the landscape changes of the Turpan Basin. Finally base on the analyzing data put forward the scenarios that show different results from different changes.





Title: Study about the ethnic integration policies in Singapore

Research Site: Singapore

Description: Singapore was independent in 1965. At that time, Singapore was developing countries with no natural resources. Then government started the ethnic integration policies to integrate people as “Singaporean”. In this study, I try to figure out the gap between public policy and the real life of local people by reviewing articles and fieldworks.

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In Japan, most cities, except cities which are in metropolitan areas, are suffered from problems, decrease in tax revenues and increase of vacant land, which caused by population decline. The cities are concerning policies to accept migrants from metropolitan areas, to prevent aggravation of population decline. On the other hand, past research said that people who expect to migrate from metropolitan area to provinces area are increasing, and they prefer to live in local city. The purpose of this study is reveal the living environment which are required by the migrants for urban planning of local cities.